The Enigmatic Connection between Aliens and Our Ancient Seas

An American ufologist, Anna Whitty, stated that aliens are possibly an advanced form of humans and have always been living underwater. The subject of unidentified underwater bases is a very big part of ufology, seeing hundreds of flying objects change shape from or merge into the water. If aliens have underwater bases on Earth, how long ago did they build them?

There’s a reason ufologists may be following certain American warships so often: the huge aircraft carriers look intimidating and impressive, and if they’re also located near so-called underwater bases, aliens are a bit worried.

Considering that most UFO sightings by US sailors occurred while the aircraft carriers were conducting exercises off the US coasts, and according to many witnesses, the UFOs were seen coming from or entering the ocean, as well as not far from the coast, this theory makes a lot of sense.

So, there are likely underwater bases in many places on our planet, but for some reason, they are primarily on or near the coast, especially off the coast of the United States. This may just be a feature of the statistics, as there are more UFO investigators in the US than there are scientists in other countries, or perhaps there is something else to it.

If we assume that UFOs belong to creatures that have been on Earth for thousands or even millions of years, they existed long before humans and their ancestors. In this case, humans as a species developed before their eyes. The Americas were the last inhabited continent (excluding Antarctica, of course).

Thus, having moved their underwater bases to the shores of America in time, these creatures could watch people from a very convenient place for a long time, remaining as inconspicuous as possible.

The British tabloid Daily Star recently published an interview with American ufologist Anna Whitty, along with a new documentary on the Roswell incident, “Roswell 75: The Last Evidence” (premiered on July 7th). Whitty said that the aliens could be “higher humans” who came from Earth and lived underwater “forever.”

According to Whitty, she studied in detail the testimony of nurse Shirley Wright, who allegedly accompanied Einstein to a military base where the two saw in 1947 the bodies of dead aliens (and one survivor) on a ship that crashed in 1947. Close from Roswell. in New Mexico.

Whitty said Shirley was able to communicate with the surviving creature because she understood it and spoke English. At some point, the very interested creature asked Shirley, “How far do people go into the ocean?”

“If what Shirley says is true, these ‘aliens’ may not be visiting us from another planet, but somewhere deep underwater,” Whitty said.

Whitty also believes that these creatures were not aliens at all but instead appeared on Earth as humans and at some point just to hide or protect themselves from something.

According to Whitty, they may have been escaping the inevitable catastrophe which, at some point in the development of society, began to trace their lifeline. These creatures were able to avoid it by advancing so far ahead, which is why they are now so far ahead of us in technology and capabilities, and perhaps even in the capabilities of their bodies and minds.

“They may not be what they appear to be, but they can make you think you’re seeing something that isn’t reality.”

As to why these creatures now perceive people differently, Whitty believes they want to change something about our behavior and help our development, perhaps so we can prevent a global catastrophe.

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