Secret rooms have been discovered in the pyramids, among other bizarre Ancient Egyptian mysteries that remain unsolved.

EXPERTS have revealed the Ancient Egyptian mysteries we still can’t explain.

From hidden chambers in the Great Pyramid to the elongated skulls of Egyptian pharaohs, here are the top three mysteries we can’t explain.

Experts have revealed the Ancient Egyptian mysteries we still can’t explain

Secret roomsThe Great Pyramid, located at Giza on the west bank of the Nile River, is the only wonder of the ancient world still standing today.

It was built by Pharaoh Khufu during Egypt’s 4th Dynasty and is still regarded today for its complex engineering and architecture.

However, there are still many mysteries surrounding the Great Pyramid.

One of the biggest is that there are secret rooms within its walls that have yet to be discovered.

It’s unclear what the hidden chambers could contain, but they could potentially house treasures or Ancient Egyptian artifacts.

In 2022, Researchers announced plans to use An ultra-powerful scan of the pyramid’s interior to reveal the contents of two mysterious voids, per Astronomy.

Elongated Skulls

A bust of Nefertiti

Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti were both depicted as having abnormally elongated skulls.

For a long time, researchers were unsure what could have caused this deformity – though some have suggested that it was due to genetic defects.

Two such defects are called ‘aromatose excess syndrome’ and ‘craniosynostosis’, Yale School of Medicine dermatology professor Irwin Braverman, M.D, said in 2008.

But because no mummy of Akhenaten or Nefertiti has been found, it’s difficult to say for sure.

Braverman used only artwork of the ancient pharaoh to make his medical diagnosis.

The Saqqara Bird

One artifact that has been shrouded in mystery from Ancient Egyptian times is the Saqqara bird

The flying device was carved to mimic the design of a bird and was found in 1898 in a tomb at Saqqara.

It is believed to be the earliest known example of a flying machine, per Imperidox.

However, many theories have arisen trying to explain the curious device.

According to Egyptian historian Ahmed Osman, the Saqqara Bird may have been crafted by an ancient ‘secret society’ dedicated to invention, Imperidox reported.

Others believe that the Saqqara Bird was once a child’s toy or even a weather vane, per Historic Wings.

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