Incredibly perfect alignment of unidentified spherical objects

These aren’t lanterns by the way which the majority of people will instantly think that that’s what these are? After watching the video below it will all become clear. Lanterns do not move in unison, they definitely don’t move together as one. But that’s exactly what happened in this UFO Orbs video.


That’s only because people in Vietnam and China, Japan and Taiwan etc celebrate various festivals and new years day with these. But here’s why I don’t believe it’s these millenia old traditional paper lanterns; check this out, for one thing if you do actually light a paper lantern, more often than not it’s gonna give off an orange glow instead of a “white hot glow” which is what we can see in this video below at the bottom.


That’s not to say that some paper lanterns don’t give off a white glow, but from what I’ve found looking into different cultures and countries is that paper lanterns are pretty much all the same? So, where the heck does that leave us then? We can’t start back from the beginning trying to determine what we have here, can we?


I tell you what, let’s just watch the video again for clues? Okay, spoiler alert I’ve already watched it a zillion times and these lot line up perfectly in neat rows. They’re all in the sky in no particular order, floating around probably on the updraft from the hot air rising up from the mountain below. Then low and behold, before our very eyes were treated to a bizarre show in the sky. All of the UFO Orbs seem to instantly know when to come together in formation in neat rows.

What I can’t understand is that if these are all connected by remote control, why are they all prior to getting in lines, why are they moving independently? If these we’re all connected together so that they can all come together, floating independently doesn’t make sense! They’re either all connected working as one entity or not?

But, is it really as simple that or has something gone unnoticed by me?


But, let’s just say for arguments sake that all of these UFO Orbs have a piece of simple software installed in each of them could they be on a timer? Is it possible that we could see them all come online altogether all at once? Would they be able to do this?

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