Giving disabled dogs a new lease on life: Thai Animal Shelter

Without a doubt, tales of various animals saved from the streets are heartwarming and demonstrate that there are still decent people in the world, but what a Thai animal sanctuary does with animals with specific needs is admirable.

Thousands of animals are abandoned, lose their homes, or are simply born on the streets during these times of global distress. However, in Thailand, the situation is on a different level, because it is not typical in Thai culture to mingle with homeless animals.

Despite the lack of care paid to this group of animals, a guy in Thailand has taken responsibility of the situation.

Michael J. Baines, a Swedish chef living in Thailand, wanted to rescue stray animals and built a sanctuary for them. Michael is the president and one of the founders of The Man That Rescues Dogs, an animal rescue organization based in Chon Buri.

Since he began his wonderful job, he has been able to save over 2,000 animals from the streets, including dogs and cats. Most importantly, our sanctuary specializes in rescuing injured animals and providing them with a second shot at life.

Michael began by feeding the street animals, but after realizing how many were in desperate need of assistance, he decided to establish the refuge. They now have around 600 animals at the shelter, which has proven to be a challenging endeavor, but one that he and his companions have accomplished.

Chris Chidichimo, his primary assistant, and 30 other staff members look after the shelter’s animals. Aside from dealing with rescued dogs and cats, they also deal with unanticipated crises on a regular basis as a rescue group.

Chris explained to Bored Panda:

“The most difficult issue is dealing with unforeseen occurrences.” We have a regimen that includes things like eating, walking, cleaning, physiotherapy, and hydrotherapy. We must be adaptable, yet it is a difficult task.”

Every day at the shelter starts with a 6 a.m. walk for all of the animals, including the dogs in wheelchairs. They are given a great meal after the stroll, and then there is time to relieve themselves and clean.

Not to mention that a food truck leaves at 7 a.m. to feed the community’s 350 homeless dogs.

Chris continued, ”

“We conduct hydro and physiotherapy at 10 a.m. to give our impaired canines more exercise.” At 2:00 p.m., the dogs are walked again, then fed, and finally washed.

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