Frances Egyptologist Found An “Alien Mummy” In The Great Pyramid’s Secret Chamber

In 1988, the French Egyptologist stumbled upon a secret chamber deep in the bowels of the Great Pyramid of Giza if. He ᴀssumed that the space had been completely sealed shortly after the pyramid was built and that no one had entered anything inside since.


The room had some unusual objects such as papyrus with hieroglyphic inscriptions referring to the arrival of a messenger from the stars that had come during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu. This mysterious piece of writing, he claimed that the messenger had come down from the heavens to announce the imminent arrival of his “brother of his.”

But the papyrus was not the most unusual object discovered in the room. She also found a small, transparent crystalline coffin containing the body of a small humanoid a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳. It seemed as if the creature was ᴅᴇᴀᴅ. Naturally, Caparat was surprised by his discovery and immediately called his friend, the biologist F. De Braga.


Braga traveled on the next possible flight to Cairo with the intention of taking blood, tissue and DNA samples from the sample, which Caparat had ᴀssured him was a foreign body. However, Braga never reached the site of the Great Pyramid. As soon as he landed in the country, the Egyptian authorities arrested him and immediately sent him back to his hometown of Madrid. Following this, the a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ creature along with its unusual coffin was captured by Egypt’s intelligence agency, the SSI, and taken to an unknown location.

Since 1988, the Egyptian authorities have not spoken publicly about this incident. This is not the first time that ᴇԍʏᴘтoʟoԍιsтs combing the mysterious pyramids have found bodies that do not appear to belong to humans. There is a very old story in Egypt of Caliph Abdullah al-Ma’mun who found the remains of a humanoid alien in the year 813.


According to Peter Tompkins, the legend says that al-Ma’mun found a stone statue of a man who It contains a foreign body with a gold breastplate, a priceless sword, and an “egg-sized” ruby ​​implanted in its forehead.

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