Declassified FBI Report ‘Confirms’ the Existence of Giant Aliens

The FBI declassified data relating to various UFOs and “multi-dimensional” beings in a nearly 70-page document written by an unnamed professor in 1947. The report was published by the British edition of the Daily Star.

Memorandum 6751 is a US document dated 8 July 1947 that was declassified and disclosed to the public from the FBI archives. The memorandum acknowledges the existence of alien presence.

Former FBI officer John DeSouza, author of The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors points to the memorandum as a significant document in ufology.

The document guarantees that a very serious situation regarding flying saucers can develop at any moment, which suggests that this may cause panic and distrust of people towards aliens.

The anonymous source also explains how flying saucers work. He mentions that some of the disks are piloted, others are remotely controlled.

FBI Has Declassified a Report "Confirming" the Existence of Giant Aliens
FBI Has Declassified a Report “Confirming” the Existence of Giant Aliens 1

The author of the material also claims that the mission of these UFOs is peaceful, but that they have the ability to defend themselves against human weapons in different ways.

The report claims that travelers are human-like but much larger, flying disc-shaped “planes” with some kind of radiant energy or lightning that will quickly destroy any intruder.

Noting the unsurpassed maneuverability of these objects, an unnamed professor assures that the aliens are able to enter the etheric body at will, disappearing from human vision.

Information inconsistenciesAlthough much of the information contained in this document is extremely detailed, there are some inconsistencies.

First, the absence of the name of its author, although he claims to have several diplomas and that he was the head of a university department. Another fact is that the FBI prepared the document and it is not the original that is being investigated.

Unlike early Roswell stories, this file refers to “living beings much larger than humans”. In addition, they supposedly can live in another dimension, in another world.

However, the author of the article never mentioned how he collected all the information. From this point on, every detail in memorandum 6751 is confusing.

FBI Has Declassified a Report "Confirming" the Existence of Giant Aliens
FBI Has Declassified a Report “Confirming” the Existence of Giant Aliens 2

Unfortunately, the remaining 66 pages are not available. News portal Film Daily, in turn, told about another fascinating discovery, which is related, although not documented.

Allegedly, 10 years ago, the FBI declassified the 70-page document and placed it in The Vault. The publication assured that the data was declassified in 2010.

To date, NASA and other space agencies have been skeptical of studies of any anomalies or artificially formed structures that have been photographed in spaceflight. With which the famous astronomer Avi Loeb, who turned to UFO researchers some time ago, does not agree.

“Science should not dismiss possible extraterrestrial explanations because of social stigma or cultural preferences that do not lead to a scientific method of empirical and unbiased research.

Now we must dare to look through new telescopes, both literally and figuratively,” said the Israeli-American theoretical physicist.

Thus, the scientist is doing everything possible to find evidence of alien life. An example of his work is the Galileo project with the modernization of existing telescopes.


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