China’s Mysterious Pyramid: An Old Alien Base?

A team of Chinese researchers, delving into the ancient mysteries of their country’s origin, have come to the inescapable conclusion that 12,000 years ago there was an alien base in China.A team of Chinese researchers delved into the ancient mysteries of their nation’s origins and came to the inescapable conclusion that 12,000 years ago an “interstellar alien race” used much of northern and central China as a massive land base.

China is the center of extraterrestrial legends, myths, and stories, many of which revolve around the Xiangyang Pyramid.

Local villagers claim that their ancestors told stories of great ships taking to the skies and using the pyramids as landing and supply stations.

The extraterrestrial origins investigated

The extraterrestrial hypothesis “is understandable and worth studying, [but] scientific means should be used to prove whether it is true,” Yang Ji, one of the scientists and a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told reporters.

While the scientific exploration team agrees that all indications show that aliens used the giant structure as one of their main bases on Earth.

The unusual pyramids tower nearly 200 feet above the site, and the surrounding area is littered with mysterious pipes and strange artifacts. The Chinese state agency Xinhua sent a nine-member team to investigate the pyramid and report on its findings. The team discovered pipes running through the cave, and as it goes deeper into the ground, it plunges into the ground…to where?

The agency put it succinctly: “The front of the pyramid has three cavities with triangular openings and reddish-hued pipes on the mountain and near a lagoon.”

Above the cave are dozens of pipes, of various diameters, mysteriously descending the slope below the towering pyramid. All pipes match the color of the surrounding rock, a dull reddish brown.

On the other side, more pipes, and a lot of debris, scattered in all directions on the floor. Some of the tubes follow the shoreline of a salt lake, while others plunge into the water and under the lake bed.

Although the purpose of the pipes is officially unknown, some Chinese scientists are inclined to believe that the structure is actually the remains of an outpost or space base.

The intricate pyramids extend far beyond what is visible, with evidence of a network of penstocks, water supplies, and possibly high-tech fuel.

Since this ancient site dates back to at least 10,000 BC. Maybe twice what it is: no one could design it because there was no truly advanced human culture a long time ago.

Qin Jianwen, director of the Delingha city government’s propaganda department, said some pipe material fragments were used for analysis. Mainly silica and calcium oxide were found in the fragments, but it is possible that more than 8% of the metals have not been identified.

“The high content of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide is a result of the long interaction between iron and sandstone, which means that the pipes must be very old,” explained Liu Shaolin, an engineer who did the analysis.

Enigma wrapped in a mystery

Such a structure exists and fits perfectly with the unofficial history of China, which many scholars choose to ignore. Some historians have called early Chinese culture a “mystery shrouded in mystery”.

Ancient Chinese legends are full of stories about the “Heavenly Man” and “Shenren” who come from the stars and explore the earth. Along the way, these people taught primitive peoples who learned the basics of technology, engineering, agriculture, and the complex structure of the universe.

In the early 20th century, two businessmen from Australia traveled through central China. More than 100 pyramids were discovered in the vast plain. The locals told the two that the pyramids were very old, some even older than China.

Other, younger pyramids date from the reigns of ancient emperors. The rulers often talked about aliens and civilizations from other planets like Earth.

Some of the emperors even wrote that they were the offspring “of the sons of heaven, who had landed on earth on iron dragons.” The “man from the sky” — some still claim — built the oldest pyramids.

Surprising ‘Dropa Stones’ Could Provide Clues To Chinese Alien Bases

A translation of one of the 12,000-year-old Dropa stones: “Dropas descended from the clouds in their SHIPS. Men, women and children from neighboring towns hid in caves ten times before dawn.

When they finally understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers’ intentions were peaceful…” [Translated from the language in stone by Dr. Tsum Um Nui, the man who correctly deciphered them.]

The Great Pyramid of Xiangyang is just one of many mysterious sites that point to the interaction of one or more advanced races with the primitive peoples of the earth. The famous dropa stone also provides strong evidence that ancient astronauts have visited earth.

The stones were discovered by Chi Pu Tei, who led an archaeological expedition to the desolate and turbulent Baian-Kara-Ula mountain range in 1938. The mountain range lies on the Sino-Tibetan border and is home to many stories of interbreeding between extraterrestrials with People of the Earth.

While exploring a series of nearly inaccessible caverns in the last mountain inhabited by primitive natives thousands of years ago, the team of scientists made an exciting discovery: some of the cavern walls were covered with pictograms depicting scenes from the Solar System.

Also, somehow these ancient people had created a map of the heavens illustrating the earth, sun, moon, and the various stars related to intersecting lines and points.

Curiously, the pictogram-maps almost look like ancient trade routes or a guide for explorers. Other pictograms depict frail beings with bowl-shaped helmets on their heads.

But the team’s enthusiasm was just beginning. In one of the caves where the murals of the heavens were located, they found a stone disk half buried in the earth. The disc had a thin spiral groove, the experts cut the face running from the center to the edge.

The disk they found is about three inches in diameter and about three-quarters of an inch thick. The center has a perfect hole, that’s three quarters of an inch wide.

Once they found the disk, Tei ordered his team to search further for more information. Finally, they excavated until they found a real treasure. A total of 716 discs were found, some in pristine condition, others cracked or broken into pieces.

Upon inspection later, mysterious hieroglyphic symbols were found carved into the grooves. Obviously the disk contained some source of information of some kind.

Unfortunately, despite their potential importance, the records were forgotten for years in packing cases. They were buried and forgotten in the dusty storage area of ​​a museum until Dr. Tsum Um Nui copied the writing on each of the surviving discs on paper.

Dr. Nui manages to decipher the ‘Dropa Stones’

The unknown hieroglyphs were so small that only he could see them with a powerful magnifying glass. An expert in deciphering ancient languages, Nui worked hard for many months to decipher the language.

Finally, he did. All he knows is that if anyone listens to him, it will change history as the world knows it. Very few people do. Inscribed in the stone is an incredible story written at least 12,000 years ago by a wonderful people that the world has forgotten.

These disks are related to Dropa’s journey to Earth. And how they crashed during their exploration of Earth and were stranded on Earth, in an outside world they didn’t know about.

The spacecraft was located in what later became known as the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains, which is part of the Himalayas. Stranded, the lost travelers sought refuge in the caves — the caves where Chi Pu Tei and his scientific exploration team had discovered the discs.

“The Dropas came down from the clouds in their ship,” on another record it said. “The men, women and children of the neighboring villages hid in the caves ten times before dawn. When he finally understands the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions… »

Yet another record talks about aliens having bulging heads and withered bodies. At first the tribe’s hunters sent to kill the invaders until the people realized that the strange beings did not pose any threat.

Locals in the area still tell legends about visitors who “came from the stars, long, long ago.”

After deciphering as many of the discs as he could, Nui wrote a book on the historical discovery for the Chinese Academy of Prehistory. They refused to publish it.

Although well documented and clearly fraudulent, the magazine’s editor told Nui that the world was not ready for such information.

The Chinese authorities under Mao were also quite explicit in their reaction. The doctor was forbidden to ask to publish his book outside of China or even to talk about the Dropa stones.

Despite the order, Nui shared the information with some of his close colleagues and over time part of the story managed to leak to the rest of the world.


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