Unveiling the Enigma: Was Maya King Pakal an Extraterrestrial from Nibiru?

The new theory suggests that King pakal could belong to the Anunnaki, a highly advanced civilization of extraterrestrial origin. One of the most important discoveries related to the ancient Mayan civilization is the cover of the sarcophagus found by the mysterious Mayan archaeologist in the tomb of “pakal the great” in the ancient Mayan city of palenque, located in the Madre mountains of Chiapas, in the upper Chiapas Mountains. Mexico.

The mysterious figure depicted on the lid is King pakal, whose tomb was discovered in the “Temple of Inscriptions” in 1952.

The mysterious tomb of the Mayan king pakal has intrigued ancient astronaut theorists such as Zechariah Sitchin and Erich von Däniken, who believe that a carved sarcophagus lid found in his tomb represents an ancient astronaut.


On the lid, as in his tomb, pakal is located in an interdimensional space surrounded by drawings and symbols that run along the edge of the lid, representing an important part of Mayan cosmology. He was only 12 years old when he ascended the throne of palenque in ad 615 and ruled successfully until his death at the age of 80.

It is believed that he was the youngest ruler to take power. He built this majestic Mayan city and turned it into an advanced city in Mesoamerica. According to prominent historians, the sarcophagus tells the story of King pakal’s death and his journey into the underworld.

As an alternative, Erich von Däniken notes in his book “Chariots of the Gods” that the ruler is depicted sitting inside some sort of spacecraft.

He believes that palenque is one of the ancient places that suggests an alien presence on Earth. Based on observations of him, ancient astronaut theorists claim that King pakal may have been part of an alien race of ancient astronauts who established civilizations on Earth.

Tomb of King pakal:

The great work was discovered in the Temple of Inscriptions, and the sarcophagus in which his body was found was surrounded by a crypt with a length of 9 meters and a ceiling height of 7 meters. In 1949, the Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier found his tomb from him.

During pakal the great’s burial, he found the skeletons of many of his victims. He then visited the cellar which, according to him, “appears to have been dug out of the rock.”

This is a kind of cave whose walls and ceiling are so smooth that they seem to have been polished. It also resembles an abandoned chapel, its dome covered in stalactites and stalagmites that rise from the ground as thick as bundles of candles.

Another oddity of King pakal’s tomb was the carving on the lid of his sarcophagus, a stone that weighed between 5 and 20 tons. A man dressed according to Mayan customs seems to be sitting inside a strange vehicle, which many believe is a spacecraft.

Another oddity of King pakal is his long nose. He even looked different from ordinary people: a high nose on his forehead, a narrow face, and big eyes.

If you look at other ancient statues, pakal is not the only one with a raised nose. This feature can also be seen in ancient statues unearthed on the island of Jaina, an ancient statue with about 20,000 graves in the Mayan cemetery.

The long nose sticking out from the forehead may have been in the DNA of an ancient Mayan, or it could have belonged to another human. Also, ancient civilizations with elongated skulls, unusual dental patterns, unique teeth, etc. They may belong to humans with different DNA. But the question is, when did DNA change so dramatically?

Today, archaeologists refute the thesis about the ancient Mayan astronaut, pointing out that the carving on the lid of the sarcophagus is just an image of the afterlife: all the symbolic elements are present here, easily recognizable in the images that illustrate the journey. from the soul of the deceased to the underworld.

Despite official denials, many still believe that this strange figure dressed as a Mayan warrior is an alien, known to the inhabitants of palenque and immortalized in stone 2,000 years ago.

In his book “The Lost Kingdom,” Zecharia Sitchin notes that the burials of pharaohs in ancient Egyptian times have similarities to those seen in the tombs of King Pakal.

The scientists also recognize that implicit comparisons are unavoidable between Pakal’s tomb and the crypt of the Egyptian pharaohs, especially the symbols in the tomb scenes that represent journeys to the afterlife.

These connections arise from the application of the ancient astronaut hypothesis to the tomb of King Pakal and the history of the entire Maya civilization, suggesting that King Pakal may have belonged to the Anunnaki, who brought civilization to Earth.

According to the Sumerian King List Tablet, the vast majority of the Anunnaki had left Earth at the time of Pakal’s death. Is it possible that Pakal was one of the Anunnaki who stayed behind, and his sarcophagus represents his return to Nibiru, the Anunnaki home planet?

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