The Mayan people’s technological innovations remain a mystery to this day

The Mayas possessed astronomical knowledge that today is a mystery to the great researchers and scientists who study Mayan life.For more than two thousand years, rainforests and fertile plains have been home to one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world: The Mayas.

Scholars estimate that between AD 250 and 900, the Mayan population numbered between 15 and 20 million people, extending south to Costa Rica and Guatemala. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Maya were one of the first ancient peoples to develop a written language, use modern mathematical methods, and build huge, multi-story astronomical observatories, all at a time when Europeans were living through the so-called “dark ages.”

The Mayans are considered one of the great civilizations in the history of mankind, not only because of their astronomy, their astrology, their trigonometry, while the Europeans literally rolled in the mud, the Mayans built great cities.

But perhaps the most amazing Maya achievement was their system of stellar and planetary mapping in the form of a calendar. Time for the Mayans was sacred, they governed their lives around all the cycles they observed. The Mayan culture followed the planet Venus, the phases of the moon, the eclipses and there was a stage that they called: synchronization. That it was that the Pleiades ascended, they positioned themselves over the Mayan civilization and that the best in 72 years that same date the day was covered when the ascent of the hills was going, but 72 years later it was covered another year, that is, last 26 thousand years according to the deep knowledge of the cosmos that the Mayan culture had returned to the starting point.

According to studies, the Maya believed that the sky, like the stars, moved in repetitive periods called: calendar cycles , and that these could be used to predict future events. One of these calendar cycles, the Mayan Long Count lasts for 5,125 years and ended on December 21, 2012.

But why did the Mayans choose that date and what did they think would happen to our planet?

Perhaps the clue can be found in an astronomical phenomenon located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, an area where there are no stars.

They are perfectly aware of the existence of the galaxy and even of a black hole measuring one light year and which they called the great fissure .

The Milky Way for the Mayans was very important, it was the connection with the divine, with the celestial and it was what governed in some way everything in the universe, for them on December 21, 2012 they would see a perfect alignment between various stars and we were even waiting for that dawn as a new era for humanity, and that is how they divided it.

Is the fact that the Mayan long calendar ended on the same day as this supposed alignment a big coincidence, and is this advanced understanding of celestial cycles really coming from ancient Mayan astronomers who observed the stars with their eyes alone?

“The Mayans acquired this knowledge through the intervention of celestial beings and we have found that there are references in almost every moment in which allusions are made, precisely to celestial beings, to winged beings, to an intervention that was not from this earth.” Added Carlos Clemente , researcher from Mexico.

“A very intriguing element about the Maya is when you talk to the great experts, with the elders of the town. They tell you that their knowledge came from celestial beings, but who were these celestial beings? a people we do not know or instead they were beings from other worlds.” I point out Juan Jesús Vallejo , Director of Mystery Night.

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