“For decades, UFOs have been spotted over Antarctica”

Two UFOs at once were discovered in Antarctica by a well-known virtual archaeologist and UFO blogger, as he calls himself, Scott. C. Waring. “I saw them off the coast of Antarctica, looking at the images that were used to create the Google Earth resource. …

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A UFO expert claims to have discovered a martian construction that is exactly like a Japanese old tomb

There is speculation that an advanced civilisation once existed on Mars. However, due to a devastating occurrence, they were compelled to leave this planet and travel to Earth. Ufologists believe they have discovered evidence to support this notion. The …

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Two Huge Crystal Pyramids Discovered in the Bermuda Triangle

Stories regarding the Bermuda Triangle (also known as the Devil’s Triangle), a place in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where it is believed that many aircraft and ships have vanished in unexplained circumstances, date back to the 1950s. …

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Giants’ Lost and Forgotten Archaeological Finds!

In 1938 the workers of the archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri, during the excavations on the top of the Cumana acropolis, discovered – on the western front of the so-called Temple of Jupiter – some huge bone fragments. The famous paleontologist Ralph von Koenigswald, …

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UFO Fleet Spotted by Passengers: Aliens Are No Longer Hiding

One passenger on a plane was lucky enough to catch something unusual, a fleet of UFOs. The man managed to film these UFOs until he was asked to turn off the phone because of the landing policy. After this case was reported, an attempt was made to find …

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The young man feared for his life when he accidentally recorded a black triangle UFO in Chicago

Walter Rand, of Chicago, Illinois, in the United States, contacted UFO researchers on May 2nd, 2015, and was truly afraid for his safety because of what he had photographed. In this day and age, with everything we hear about the government getting up …

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A video examines the concept of extraterrestrial species vying for dominance of Earth

Theories about aliens are overcome every day desperate to answer questions that science has not been able to solve: Where do we come from? Where are we going? are we alone in the universe? These theories only base their conjectures on accounts of people …

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Putting the Mysteries of Extraterrestrial Life to Rest

Take for example the crashed UFO site from Colorado which showcases the following Grey Aliens coming out of their crashed ship. Many believe that they are actually humans from the future that evolved like that. So, if the Grey aliens are our future does …

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UFO and Aliens Said To Have Been Spotted By A NASA Expert While Two Astronauts Were On A Space Mission

A former NASA engineer claims to have seen a 3 meter tall alien while monitoring a space mission. Clark McClelland would have been part of a team based at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, when he saw the humanoid alien. The “entity,” …

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Very ancient cultures had accomplished levitation 200,000 years ago

I ask you to carefully examine the monolithic stone blocks and convince me that they can be moved. We can’t even lift all of these massive blocks with today’s modern cranes. If we can’t lift them, how did ancient civilizations manage to do so? Vulcanian …

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