Lovely Images Of Animals In Their Mother’s Womb

National Geographic researchers have achieved an incredible feat: they have taken images of several creatures developing within their mothers’ wombs. Small cameras coupled via a system of 4D-ultrasound scans were employed to accomplish this. As a consequence, …

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A fascinating Madagascarian mammal with spikes and stripes is the streaked tenrec.

Madagascar is a fascinating island nation in the Indian Ocean that is home to many unique species of plants and animals. One of the most interesting animals found in Madagascar is the streaked tenrec, a small mammal known for its striking appearance. …

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Especially in the winter, “Birds of a Feather Flock Together”

With temperatures dropping, here’s a look at how individuals without shelter are preparing for the tough winter weather. We’re talking about our astute feathery companions who are up to the task of dealing with Old Man Winter. These birds, relying on …

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Finding the Past: 2,300-Year-Old Scythian Shoe Reveals Burial Customs’ Secrets and Masterful Craftsmanship

Archaeologists have uncovered a stunning find in the Altai Mountains of Siberia—a nearly intact women’s boot believed to be 2,300 years old. The boot is made of soft red leather with a geometric design sewn with pyrite crystals and black beads on the …

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The Nasir al-Mulk Mosque in Shiraz, Iran: A Beautiful Pink Jewel

The Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, also known as the Pink Mosque, is a breathtakingly beautiful mosque located in Shiraz, Iran. It is renowned for its exquisite architecture and the use of considerable pink color tiles for its interior design. This unique mosque …

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This Magnificent Canadian Waterfall Produces a Huge Ice Cone During Winter Because of its Potent Spray Ejection

Helmcken Falls, located in British Columbia, Canada, is one of the most breathtaking waterfalls in the world. This waterfall is a sight to behold in every season, but it’s particularly remarkable in the winter when an enormous ice cone is formed at the …

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According to a museum, A 3,000-year-old bust that eerily resembles Michael Jackson

An ancient Egyptian limestone statue of an unidentified woman, dating back to the New Kingdom Period (1550 BC to 1050 BC), has gained attention since Michael Jackson’s death in 2009 due to its striking resemblance to the pop icon. The statue, on display …

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Discovered in Ukraine, Mammoth Bone Dwellings May Be the Earliest Examples of Architecture

Huts made of mammoth bones discovered in Ukraine’s Dnieper River valley (as well as in Moravia, Czech Republic, and southern Poland) might represent the first structures created by prehistoric man, and hence the earliest instances of architecture. Perhaps …

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The Lonely Castle: A Nabataean Kingdom Hidden Gem

The Qasr al-Farid, also known as the Lonely Castle, is a stunning example of the workmanship of the Nabataean Kingdom. Located in the north of Saudi Arabia, this tomb dates back to the 1st century AD and was built by the same people who built the iconic …

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Snow goggles were created by native Alaskans centuries ago to protect eyes and improve vision.

Anyone who has spent a lot of time outdoors in the snow knows how important it is to protect your eyes. The bright sun bouncing off the white snow can lead to snow blindness, a very uncomfortable situation caused by too much exposure to UV light. Indigenous …

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