McLaren Artura Art Car: Harnessing Surrounding Light for Stunning Adaptations

McLaren Collaborates with Artist Nat Bowen to Explore Chromology – Unveiling the Psychology of Color.

McLaren Artura Art Car: Reflecting and Absorbing Surroundings with Light Adaptation - ZONESH

McLaren Automotive Unveils the McLaren Artura Art Car in Collaboration with British Artist Nat Bowen.

McLaren Artura Art Car: Reflecting and Absorbing Surroundings with Light Adaptation - ZONESH

McLaren Automotive Successfully Engages with the Passionate Art Community in Dubai and the Rest of the Middle East Region”

“McLaren Automotive, the British luxury high-performance supercar creator, has introduced the McLaren Artura Art Car as a regional collaboration with Nat Bowen, a prominent British abstract artist renowned for her vibrant art pieces. This one-of-a-kind supercar, featuring the artist’s signature artwork, is a highlight of her much-anticipated exhibition at the ME Dubai Hotel, running until March 31.

This creative endeavor delves into the realm of Chromology, exploring the psychology of color, and delves into themes of ‘Art’ and ‘Future,’ which have influenced the name of the brand’s inaugural high-performance hybrid. The car’s exterior showcases translucent resin pigments that adapt to light, reflecting and absorbing their surroundings, seamlessly integrating the artwork with the space it occupies.

McLaren Artura Art Car: Reflecting and Absorbing Surroundings with Light Adaptation - ZONESH

“It’s been an honor collaborating with McLaren Automotive on this exciting concept and presenting it as part of my first solo exhibition in Dubai. My objective was to provide a truly immersive experience, transporting visitors to a meditative state away from everyday distractions and enabling them to further explore and develop their relationship with color.” – Nat Bowen

Built upon McLaren’s super-lightweight engineering philosophy, the Artura embodies every characteristic inherent in a McLaren, combined with quicker throttle response, reduced emissions, and the capability to operate in pure EV mode, thanks to its groundbreaking electrified powertrain.

McLaren Artura Art Car: Reflecting and Absorbing Surroundings with Light Adaptation - ZONESH

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