Unearthed 3rd century CE Ancient Roman Horse Armor with 2000 Bronze Scales

After years out of sight, one of Yale’s important historic treasures is now on view at the Yale University Art Gallery: a full set of ancient Roman horse armor discovered decades ago by archaeologists in the city of Dura-Europos—a crossroads of ancient …

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Buried treasures keep thrilling explorers in today’s treasure hunts

Modern-Day Treasure Hunts: Hidden Hoards and Buried Troves Keep Thrilling Explorers Items from the Staffordshire Hoard of 6th and 7th century gold and silver, discovered in 2009 in Staffordshire, England. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons [CC BY 2.0]) Every small …

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Colossal Statue of Royal couple: Amenhotep III and his wife Tiye

This colossal statue of Amenhotep III and Tiye is a group statue and three of their daughters. It is the largest known Ancient Egyptian family group ever carved. The almond-shaped eyes and arched eyebrows of the figures are of typical late 18th Dynasty …

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The Intrepid Treasure Hunter Who Found Forrest Fenn’s Buried Fortune

A 32-year-old medical student plans to use the contents of Forrest Fenn’s bronze treasure chest to pay off his student loans. Forrest Fenn reunited with his hidden treasure. Photo by Jack Stuef. The hopes and dreams of thousands were crushed in June, …

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Meet Titanoboa Fossil: Scientists Uncover Fossil of Largest Reptile in History, Surpassing Anaconda

In the annals of paleontological history, scientists have ᴜпeагtһed a сoɩoѕѕаɩ revelation that surpasses the reputation of the anaconda—the discovery of the Titanoboa fossil, the largest reptile to have ever graced our planet. This prehistoric behemoth, …

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“Lady of Ampato”: An Inhumane Death Performed as a Sacrifice to the Inca Gods

Peru – The discovery of a remarkably well-preserved mummy of a young Inca girl a top the Ampato volcano in 1995 captured the world’s attention and shed light on the religious practice of human sacrifice in pre-Columbian South America. Dubbed the “Ice …

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Scientists Confirm Discovery of “Mermaid Mummy”: A Puzzling Hybrid of Fish, Monkey and Reptile

An alleged mermaid body fished out in the early 1900s was analysed as scientists hoped to get to the bottom of the creepy figure, which turned out to be parts of a monkey, fish and reptile combined A mysterious “mermaid” mummy is part fish, part monkey …

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Unveiling the Forever Lost City: 13th Century Ghost City Discovered Beneath 84,000-Year-Old Crater

The beautiful village of Fabbriche di Careggine was ‘lost forever’ when it was flooded to create the artificially made Lake Vagli, but beneath the water the village’s stone buildings, cemetery, bridge and church all incredibly remain in tact A medieval …

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SOS: Farmer Unearths Remarkable Hittite Bracelet Dating Back 3300 Years

Hittite artifacts are relatively rare, making this discovery particularly noteworthy. The bracelet provides a tangible link to the Hittite civilization and offers insights into their craftsmanship, artistic traditions, and social practices. A farmer in …

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Privies and Garderobes: The History of Medieval Latrines and Toilet

The medieval toilet or latrine, then called a privy or garderobe, was a primitive affair, but in a castle, one might find a little more comfort and certainly a great deal more design effort than had been invested elsewhere. Practicality, privacy, and …

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