Archaeological discovery: Second “hidden pyramid” found inside famous Mayan building

The ancient Maya date back more than 4,000 years and were famous for their architecture, mathematics and astronomical beliefs. Many of their impressive constructions still stand today in the jungles of southeast Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and western parts …

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A bicycle found in a medieval tomb makes us question our history

Medieval Knight’s steel bike from Chateau-Gaillard castle Medieval Knights steel bike from Chateau-Gaillard castle They say that King Richard himself chose Chateau-Gaillard for construction and actively participated in the development of the project. …

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South India’s Mesolithic Mahishasura Mardini Cave

The Mahishasuramardini cave, also known as the Mahishamardini mandapa, is found at the southern end of the site (known locally as Yamapuri). Excavated on the eastern scarp of a boulder on the main Mamallapuram hill, above it are the ruins of the Olakkannesvara …

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Hoard of silver and copper coins of the Russian Empire

A good treasure of coins from the times of the Russian Empire. The hoard is mixed, the hoard contains both copper coins of small denominations and silver coins with a…

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Ancient cannibal tribe in Indonesia: Sucking out dead ancestors to preserve them and forcing women to cut off their fingers every time a loved one dies

This is the former cannibal mountain tribe who amputate the fingers of women to appease the dead and smoke ancestors daily to preserve their mummified bodies.  The indigenous Dani tribe live in the isolated Baliem Valley in West Papua, Indonesia, and …

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These 4,000 skeletons decorations of the Roman Cathedral will make you consider your own mortality

Skeletons adorn the walls and ceilings of the crypt, like 3D paintings. Death is staring at me. He has no eyes, just hollow eye sockets, but I know he can see me. With no more than ten feet between us, Death stands immobile, garbed in a dirty, dusty cloak …

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Animal Tombs in the Valley of the Kings: A mummified dog and baboon were buried together at the tomb KV50

In 1906 archaeologist Edward Ayrton discovered and excavated three tombs in Egypt’s “Valley of the Kings”. When he entered tomb KV 50 he found a hot low ceiling shaft tomb with one chamber and two occupants facing off with each other, a mummified yellow …

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Pompeii’s Dirty Secrets: Brothels, Art and More

It is guessed that phallic symbols on the streets point towards nearest brothel, to direct foreign sailors who may be heavily intoxicated and/or unable to speak the local language. It’s no big secret that the ancient Roman empire was not always the most …

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Qing Dynasty female corpse found in Jingzhou Lujiashan tomb

Centuries-old corpse buried with favourite fan discovered nearly perfectly preserved inside coffin by stunned construction crewThe builders came across the man’s body, dressed in fine fabrics and laid to rest with his favourite fan, while carrying out …

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Headless bones in a settlement trench: A mass burial that dates back 7,000 years?

Their well-preserved skeletons were jumbled together, and all of them, with the exception of a young child, were missing their heads 37 skeletons without heads; here are two of them lying on their fronts. How, when, and why the heads were removed is still …

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